Downgrade 32bit devices to any iOS

Downgrade 32bit devices to any iOS

How to restore any 32bit devices to any iOS with shsh files or ota shsh files

Downgrade 32bit devices  to any iOS firmware. Once again @tihmstar the developer behind the great work to downgrade iphone ipad or ipod release one important update to downgrade 32bit devices to any iOS.

This is a video tutorial on how to downgrade 32bit devices to any iOS with shsh files or ota shsh files.
Also the tutorial show how to install a ota (over the air) signed baseband.

This tutorial include futurestore and libipatcher tools

all project and downloads

futurerestore is a hacked up idevicerestore based tool, which allows manually specifying SEP and Baseband for restoring

Latest compiled version can be downloaded here:
(MacOS & Linux)


Downgrade 32bit devices to any iOS

What Apple will not do, is retain 32-bit compatibility forever. Older 32-bit devices iphone ipad and ipod will not be supported by Apple in the new IOS11.

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