how find email / phone number from passcode locked iPhone

how find email / phone number from passcode locked iPhone

Lets suppose you found one beautiful iPhone lost in the park, like anyone you want to check it if you find any information about the owner. here is some tips to find email, phone number or even more from the iPhone locked with passcode.


how find email / phone number from passcode locked iPhone

One thing you should not do is restore it via iTunes or any other way. If was lost probably the owner will lock or erase it via iCloud. So you must try this quick as you can to get the owner information because it can be a meter of time before the iPhone shut down or erased remotely.

  • you must have activated siri
  • internet connection via 3g – 4g / or wifi
  • press home button and ask siri for ( what is my name )


Find email phone number passcode locked iPhone

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