Important Notice ( R-SIM ECode Solution for customizing eSIM QR ) its hardware Rsim and software solution to unlock iPhone carrier.
1. What is R-SIM ECode used for? ECode is only used to customize eSIM for R-SIM QPE unlock solution, no other purpose! e-sim will not have any signal.
2. The eSIM for QPE eSIM unlock solution is only supported below devices:
a. iPhone 12+/13+/14+/15+/SE3 models (Qualcomm Baseband)
b. The device must have eSIM and a physical SIM slot
3. What is QPE eSIM used for? QPE eSIM only be used to assist R-SIM chips to unlock iPhone, but it can’t make the device unlocked(No SIM Restriction) One R-SIM ECode only customize one eSIM; One eSIM only be used in one device; All the esim here is virtual, no signal , no net , need works together with rsim Add esim + R-SIM esim QPE MODE , will get 100% stable signal.