iCloud Bypass with Linux / Ubuntu and Checkra1n. as we know from icloud bypass technics from Mac OS the phone is not functional for calls and iMessage and if you need to add a new iCloud account you need edit some files using filza.
iCloud Bypass on Linux devices on iOS12.2 up to iOS13.2.3 ONLY
- Jailbreak using checkra1n for linux first
- open a terminal tab and paste:
- sudo apt install libusbmuxd-tool
- iproxy 2022 44
- ssh root@localhost -p 2022
- pass: alpine
- mount -o rw,union,update /
- echo “” >> /.mount_rw
- mv /Applications/Setup.app/Setup /Applications/Setup.app/Setup.bak
- uicache -a
- killall backboardd
If need to install Checkra1n using Linux / ubuntu use this tutorial first.
How to fix AppStore and icloud ID login after bypass icloud.