iOS 16.0 – 16.2 JAILBREAK RELEASED With TWEAKS! PaleRa1n Jailbreak Updated For ALL iOS 16 (Pre-A12)
today, we have very good news for those of you who have an A11 device running iOS15 and 16.0 up to iOS 16.2. The PaleRa1n Jailbreak has been updated to iOS 16 and it supports tweaks as well. While this is a developer jailbreak and some bugs might still be present, the jailbreak is functional and things work as expected. PaleRa1n already supports all iOS 15 versions up to iOS 15.7.1 with tweaks, Procursus bootstrap as well as Sileo package manager. The iOS 16 version also includes procursus and Sileo. The jailbreak is essentially a replacement for the checkra1n jailbreak which seems no longer updated.
IMPORTANT: This Post is provided for informational, research, and news purposes. Jailbreaking is free and legal as per DMCA 2015. Please use jailbreaking tools responsibly.

PaleRa1n download:
Download GUI version:
to use GUI version please read the instructions included in the file.
Palera1n iOS 16.2 Jailbreak Full Tutorial
terminal version:
Open terminal and paste:
git clone –recursive && cd palera1n
To remove jailbreak:
./ —tweaks [your_ios_version] —restorerootfs
HOW TO JAILBREAK iOS 15.7.2 A11-A9 iPHONES ! Palera1n iOS 15 16 Jailbreak Full Tutorial