iOS 7.1.2 server allows anyone remove icloud

iOS 7.1.2 server allows anyone to remove icloud, remove icloud iOS < 7.1.1 activation screen bypass, below 7.1.2 only. you only need to press (bypass this Shit) again this is only for iOS <=7.1.2 leave ur pastebins in minacris email or twitter he will make activate ticket remotely.

Update – you need to add both lines HOST FILE


iOS 7.1.2 server allows anyone remove icloud

Tool for hacktivate iDevices from minacrisOficial and Jesusprat bypass. Cydia Repo: Install hacktivation tool. Enjoy If you are bypassing iphone and need be hacktiveted please jailbreak and install this repo from cydia to hacktivate your iphone, The tool should be installed carefully, if doesn’t work just put your iPhone on safe mode and uninstall 🙂

Minacris was an ex-Doulci team member, since that time and the team split he start removing icloud by his own business, using GSX method he has one most efficient and faster icloud id Permanente remover.

iOS 7.1.2 server allows anyone remove icloud

This week he reveals us new bypass “Who have iDevice with iOS <=7.1.2 ” So the ios 7.1.1 and lower can be bypass ( not removal ). He is not releasing any ETA or any kind server.  As he says you send to him the activation protocol request by email he will send to you the activation ticket.

How it works :

for this work,  need to get some information from fiddler, breakpoint.

– open fiddler and find the option decrypt http traffic in tools>fiddler Options

Tools-Https-Decrypt HTTPS Trafics,

– connect iphone, ipad, ipod to itunes and accept the message ( can not find server )

– and fiddler will start capture traffic from

– then go to fiddler check rules > automatic breakpoint and activate (after responses)

– turn off iphone and turn on again ( remove usb and pulg it again ) do not disconnect itunes

– when plug iphone again you will check albert activation in fiddler will be in  ( red )

– select the /deviceServices/… line and left size menu you will select the inspector and next raw .

– select all info you get from there and send to mina

iOS 7.1.2 server allows anyone remove icloud


Bypass icloud iPhone -fiddler2- connect red link


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