bootra1n: Linux + checkra1n, on live USB

BootRa1n Checkra1n 0.10.1 for Windows Jailbreak and Bypass iCloud iOS 13.4 – 13.4.1. Just run the perfect Linux version to boot checkra1n on any PC.

You will need:

  • An USB flash drive (at least 512MB or larger)
  • 64-bit or 32-bit AMD or Intel PC

bootra1n: Linux + checkra1n 10.1, on live USB

1. Download bootra1n 0.10.1

2. Write bootra1n to USB

Download Rufus, press SELECT, open the ISO file, and press START to flash it to your USB drive.

3. Reboot and run checkra1n

Reboot your computer and enter your BIOS’s boot menu.

  • Select the flash drive USB, and it should boot into the login prompt
  • Log in as anon, with password voidlinux
  • At the $ prompt, enter sudo checkra1n



Quit checkra1n and at prompt type:

  • sudo shutdown -h now to shut down, or
  • sudo shutdown -r now to restart.


icloud bypass ios 13 – 13.4.x windows software

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