Download Jailbreak Electra iOS 11.3.1. Finally, the Electra jailbreak team release the new ios11.3.1 jailbreak Uses vfs exploit. Download Jailbreak ELECRA11.3.1 – and install iPA with cydia Impactor.
You can download ELECTRA jailbreak directly to your device iphone ipad or ipod using this link, ELECTRA .
1. Airplane Mode is ON
2. Siri is OFF
3. Passcode is OFF (optional)
4. Delete from settings iOS11.4 OTA download
5. press jailbreak now
New jailbreak for all iphones ipad ipods on iOS 11.2 – 11.3.1

Download Jailbreak Electra iOS 11.3.1
Manual jailbreak using cydia impactor:
Important Information
- On iOS 11.3-11.3.1, the device will reboot twice and Electra will need to be re-run after the first reboot
- An APFS snapshot is created of / so you may revert it at a later date if needed
- It is recommended to futurerestore if you have blobs before running Electra to ensure the best possible installation
- Cydia is included
- OpenSSH is running on port 22
- Electra repo added by default
- Substitute, Tweak Loader and Substrate Compatibility Layer available from Electra repo
- Many packages need to be updated for both Electra and iOS 11 (make sure they’re updated before installing as they may not work yet)
- RocketBootstrap 1.0.6 or higher is required for use on iOS 11
- Many apps, launch daemons and installation binaries are broken as they require entitlements to be added
open terminal on mac
go to wifi on phone and press the i and look at ip address
on mac terminal type in “ssh root@placeipaddresshere
if it asks you if you are sure type yes
enter password “alpine”
type in “uicache”