icloudDNSbypass Server IP addresses

icloudDNSbypass update iphone and ipad

icloudDNSbypass Server IP addresses

icloud DNS bypass ips icloud bypass

icloudDNSbypass server is one of the most popular methods to bypass your device , its not a full iphone ipad or ipod bypass but let you use your device in some limited way , in this method we already talk about is also a way to get springboard with Adding 30 random emoji icons to the ‘Server’ option and type ‘8888’ in the ‘Port’ option. also some people are just finding others tricks to get springboard and afterwards find original email.

we will add here a new video explaining this and more about DNS server

DNS Server IP addresses





icloud DNS bypass ips icloud bypass

also this new video bypass screen with dns method for old ios 8.x

icloudDNSbypass ips icloud bypass

After all this process Open the Facetime application and here you can find the email of the previous owner to which you can email and ask that your device is taken off their iCloud account. If you can’t find the email here, restart this process and open the Phone application to see the owners phone number.

Icloud DNS Bypass

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