iOS 10.3.3 icloud activation lock Bug. Today many users report after making a clean restore with itunes or 3utools on icloud lock devices with iOS11.3.3 could actually activate all devices on icloud lock screen. It seems this is a new bug, probably Apple will patch this very fast. So if you have any icloud lock device A6 and A5 using iOS11.3.3 ( iPhone 5 – iphone 5C and ipad A6) you can bypass icloud using this ios10 bug.
Update : patched ( not working any more Apple fix this iCloud activation bug )
After the test my iphone 5 was bypassed from icloud activation screen but i check to make sure if the icloud activation was gone but no, still see my device but offline. This means you can bypass icloud on device but not removing from
iOS 10.3.3 icloud activation lock Bug

iOS 10.3.3 icloud activation lock Bug
This doesn’t work on iOS11.x
You must have iphone A5 A6 device clean mode ( not lost or blacklist )
iOS 10.3.3 icloud activation lock Bug
Download iOS10.3..3 for ( only )
Put your device in recovery mode if you using a mac and open iTunes, after open iTunes press restore and (key shift) to choose your ios firmware. select the downloaded iOS11.3.3 and restore.
If you using windows, restore to ios10.3.3 using 3utools download here
iOS 10.3.3 icloud activation lock Bug only for A5 and A6 devices
I will make a video tutorial as soon as possible, this is a iOS10 apple servers bug probably this will be patched and fixed very soon.
Update : patched ( not working any more Apple fix this iCloud activation bug )

iOS 10.3.3 icloud activation lock Bug