iSecureOS, A security application for Jailbroken iOS Devices, created by GeoSn0w.
iSecureOS Security APP for Jailbroken iOS Devices
You need a jailbroken device with cydia intalled
iSecureOS is still in Beta, this application designed to help protect your jailbroken device, has finally been released. This application is the result of many and long days of coding by GeoSn0w.
iSecureOS A security application for Jailbroken iOS Devices

Update: v1.07 is out which should fix ALL bugs here.
What can it do?
For now we have the following features, with much more planned for the next Beta.
- Scans for bad repos which includes malicious, pirate, and overall bad repos in the community.
- Alerts you if you have bad tweaks (this will get better as we create a database going on).
- Alerts you if someone is connected via SSH to your device either as root or as mobile, and prompts you to change the password if it’s not you, followed by a full reboot to disconnect the attacker. [While scanning]
- Alerts you if someone is in the process of connecting to your device via SSH (for example they are on the login window trying various passwords). [While scanning]
- Can change your root and mobile SSH password right from the app. No more terminal commands.
- Tells you the most powerful vulnerabilities your iOS device has (not all CVEs, just the one exploited actively in the wild).
- Tells you if you have outdated packages installed.
- Detects various privacy / security issues with your iOS and makes recommendations (No VPN, No Passcode, Location is active, etc…)
- Other features I cannot remember.