macOS High Sierra Root Login Bug. Huge security flaw lets anyone log into a High Sierra Mac. its Massive Security Vulnerability in the macOS High Sierra Root Login. It can Unlock your macOS.
We noticed a HUGE security issue at MacOS High Sierra. Anyone can login as “root” with empty password after clicking on login button several times.
In the latest Apple OS, there is a bug, and there are dangerous bugs. It looks macOS High Sierra has one of those dangerous bugs; one that could give someone full access to any user.
macOS High Sierra Root Login Bug
Major macOS High Sierra Bug – Full Admin (Root) Access WITHOUT Password!
Turkish software developer Lemi Orhan Ergin pointed out an apparent macOS security vulnerability in a tweet today. Basically, if you open System Preferences and then navigate to Users and Groups, you can easily gain access to make changes to any account on that machine. It’s important to highlight the fact that a hacker would probably need access to a logged in Mac in order to take advantage of this vulnerability. You just need to boot the macOS and type on user login (Root) and the password let it empty. Just need to try two or tree times and you will be surprised full access to the mac.
To fix MacOS High Sierra Passwordless Root Account issue, create a password for the “root” account.
macOS High Sierra Root Login Bug