Sentinel / Never have to re-jailbreak again when your iPhone or iPad gets out of battery and this tweak is free. It is a very useful jailbreak tweak you should have, special if you use Checkra1n jailbreak and free tethered iCloud bypass.
Sentinel is designed to help you avoid having to re-jailbreaking your device when you run out of battery. When the battery charge reaches a user-set percentage it will initiate a fake shutdown. That what makes Sentinel The best alternative to SafeShutdown. As it is it’s more efficient, free, and much less buggy. If you having problems with SafeShutdown to work properly so you should try this tweak.

Sentinel alternative to SafeShutdown to keep your iDevice jailbroken if run out of battery
In my experience using Safeshutdown, causes a lot of battery drain and this one doesn’t. It also uses a different method and is a free tweak.
When your device reaches a set percentage (3% by default) it will initiate a fake shutdown. This enables a built-in iOS utility called Hibernation also found in BatteryRamp. Alongside that, it also fully disables the springboard, which means notifications, alarms, calls, etc. will not come through. Your phone will use barely any battery meaning you’ll have more than enough time to reach a charger and you won’t need to re-jailbreak.
you can also disable Sentinel’s fake shutdown by clicking the volume up button 3 times.
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