Strange Apple ID lock out. Over the last 24 to 48 hours there’s been numerous reports of users waking up and Apple IDs being locked. If you receive this locked message on your iOS device during the last 48 hours from your Apple ID, the first thing you need to do is change your password but from another device. web browser or another apple device. Do not change the password directly from the popup message.
AppleID was locked “for security reasons”
The only way to unlock your account is using a different password and in addition, add thrust number and enable 2-factor Authentication for better security if needed.
Strange Apple ID lock out
If you think it’s been compromised and some message pop-ups on your iOS device asking for password and you were not the one asking for a request to change the password or made any changes yourself do not by any means ever make any changes to unlock your Apple ID or change the password. Especially if you’re inside of a third-party application. That means any application from the App Store other than apples and you get a pop-up similar to this. do not ever provide the password or change the password of any pop-up comes up. never do that.
Strange Apple ID lock out

locked apple id
Why did my apple id all of a sudden lock? and asked for a new pass?
As i mentioned over the last 24 to 48 hours there’s been various reports on Apple support not only on Twitter that you see this particular user yesterday received a pop-up requesting the change of Apple’s password Apple ID password. He asked what’s happening why this occurred and Apple replies under which application did this pop up appeared. Third-party application can send you a pop-up in an attempt to steal your password. pretty much now there’s also another user who says here’s someone in China is trying to access my Apple ID.
If you have two-factor authentication is probably the best way to secure your Apple ID and your Apple device and all your personal information. is one of the best things that Apple has created on iOS or has implemented within iOS.
How to fix and protect:
Do not change your password directly from the pop-up message just go online official apple ID webpage and change your password from there, then sign out from every iOS devices and resign with the new password.
Additional security layer:
Go to your iCloud settings and you want to go to security, password, and security and turned on two-factor authentication. This is what you want to have enabled because this will prevent anyone from trying to get access to your Apple ID. two-factor authentication it’s one additional layer of security for your Apple ID, Apple has not officially commented on why these pop-ups and these Apple IDs are being locked but this could be Apple servers attack or exploitation using the third-party application that’s prompting these pop-ups. Also maybe new ios bug and someone is trying brute force to get access to personal information.
- Removing icloud playing around 2FA and social engineering
- iPhone IMEI check
- Multiple attempts wrong password without disabling Icloud/apple iOS11.2