unlock icloud iOS 11.03 bug activation screen

Unlock icloud iOS 11.03 bug activation screen. updates for iOS11 bug to remove icloud from clean mode, i did not have any sucess on lost mode. Don’t mean it doesn’t work on lost mode but for now i am more focus on ios11.03 activation screen to remove icloud on clean mode.

People that lost the passcode option to unlock its possible to get it back by downgrading to 11.02 and wait one-two hours.

here you have high definition video showing the bug working perfectly on iphone 7. Many people not getting the passcode option that’s why we are digging the bug to get more information how to get activated the passcode option.

Unlock icloud iOS 11.03 bug activation screen

how to get back the passcode option on icloud activation screen


First, we found a way to get back the passcode option from the iphones this option was disabled. what you need to do is downgrade to ios 11.02 and wait some time,  one hour is enough. Downgrade and Upgrade again until you get back the passcode option again. repeat all the process if necessary to remove icloud.

Another method to get back the passcode option

If you try 3 times without typing the right steps to bypass activation you will get passcode option disabled you can also try get back the passcode option waiting 1 hour and after that get try again, no need to downgrade.

Steps to bypass icloud activation screen using passcode option bug

  1. restore to ios11.03
  2. touch unlocked by a passcode,
  3. put in any digits 2 times ,
  4. then press back button twice, then press next, icloud remove 100%


how to get back the passcode option on icloud activation screen


NOTE: This works only for CLEAN devices which already had the passcode option but lost it during bug process. This downgrade thing won’t work on clean Devices which never had enabled 2FA.



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