Bad week for iOS iCloud Bypass and FMIOFF it’s all over?

Apple just make again two big servers updates blocking the famous minacriss icloud bypass also called MINA MEID and MINA ACTIVATOR for GSM and MEID. two days after one of the most amazing exploits the FMIOFF and OPEN MENU also patched. So in two days almost all cloud unlock and bypass come to an end.

❌❌MEID BYPASS patched by apple❌❌

MEID iCloud Bypass . Apple made new server update and add more restriction on the latest iCloud Bypass, for the moment services are working only for on Phone 6 and 6S iCloud bypass with calls.

❌❌Fmioff patched by apple❌❌

Today apple blocked the possibility of making FMIOFF for all methods from open menu to passcode/disable with token. It’s the end of one happy year.

Bad week for iOS iCloud Bypass and FMIOFF.

what is still working and what is not ?

Still Working

icloud bypass old GSM iOS12 -14.5.1 GSM with calls

Meid icloud Bypass no calls iOS12 – 14.8 only

No Baseband bypass with no calls

MINA MEID BYPASS with calls iOS12 – 12.5.5 with calls (iPhone 6 and 6S only)

MDM BYPASS all iOS no jailbreak required

SIM UNLOCK ( GRAYRHINO ) jailbreak required

Passcode Bypass ( save activation files )

Not working :

MEID / GSM MINA MEID iphone 7 , 8, X / Similar iPads on latest iOS

FMIOFF TOKEN Passcode/Disable all methods and all iOS



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