Testing iOS icloud Bypass Server for iOS 7.x 8.x and 9.x

Testing iOS icloud Bypass Server for iOS 7.x 8.X and 9.x

Those who have remained attentive to the icloud community not many big developments has appeared online. But developers and hackers have not given up on finding new methods and ways to bypass apple icloud security system. in this last month, some progress to unlock icloud through a fake server has been made . Minacris, for example, has lately invested in trying to unlock latest and current versions like the firmware 8.x.x or even versions 9.x.x. All tests seem to be free to try.

NOTE: remember this is only a Bypass not full removal ( no carrier )

This is the Minacriss server connection host you should add to your Host file for windows or mac .

if you don’t know how to add host ip check this info:

New host IP ( all models ) albert.apple.com

Testing iOS Bypass Server for iOS 7.x – albert.apple.com 

Be patient the server not always online, follow me on facebook or twitter if you want to be notified when Server is ON:

minacriss icloud bypass unlock

NEW IP FOR ICLOUD SERVER BYPASS / UNLOCK – (UPDATED) for all models albert.apple.com

After change host connect itunes to iphone , ipad icloud lock … wait and good luck
Hope this will work for you

how change the host : 

for more details follow this post :

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