Crash Any iPhone On iOS 12 with HYPHEN iOS Bug. A simple dictation bug that will crash any iPhones when using dictation on any search box with an iOS 12 up to 12.2.
This bug works on any iPhone on the latest versions of iOS 12. I just always find these bugs very interesting to share. How they are still possible on the most advanced mobile operating system?
iOS12 Crash / Respring
This is not something that you can go ahead and harm your device and I first saw this being demoed on the everythingapplepro channel but he also saw this on a previous YouTube channel. I’ll link the original sources in the description down below. I just find it interesting that some of the latest and most secured iPhones and software’s in the world can be crushed by a simple string of text or characters.
All you have to do is an iPhone running iOS 12.x. You can go to the iOS search bar option right on the spotlight and all you have to do is hit on the dictation button and say – – – – –
Crash Any iPhone On iOS 12 with HYPHEN iOS Bug
That’s it if you say it slow it won’t crash the device and it even works from the lock screen so if I say it here – – – – – it just continues to crash the iPhone something so simple can crash one of the most advanced mobile operating system in one of the most secure platforms in the world right now let’s go to settings here because you can also do this in settings right here the search tab here in settings and if we say the same thing – – – – – HÍFEN HÍFEN HÍFEN HÍFEN … just like that it will crash. The application it would also work in messages, if I go to imessages and on the dictation if I enable it – – – – – it crashes the iMessage app. If you go to the images search section and tap on dictation – – – – – it will completely blank the screen on your iPhone. that’s very very interesting, it sort of freezes settings or all apps and messages. it will say unavailable to load images. so it’s sort of interesting we can’t even click on it anymore. We have to go back and do it again.

It’s very interesting to see that something so simple can crash the iPhone and works on an iPhone XS running iOS 12.1.1 as you see on the video. I hope iOS 13 doesn’t get affected by as many of these dictation bugs or character bugs like iOS 12 and 11 did, because there’s just so many of those out there that Apple has continued patched, throughout the new versions of the iOS announcement.