Divisé its the new tool that allows you to install a new iOS version on any jailbroken arm64 device. You can install this tweak through Cydia repo. This amazing tool really well done was developed by @mosk_i . Also you can access to the open-source files on github.
Divisé – Dualboots on arm64 devices. Dual Book on iphone is now possible.

Divisé – Dualboot on arm64 devices iPhone and iPad
This is only for Checkm8 devices, no A12/A13 support, you also need to tether boot the second iOS since kloader64 only supports 7.x/8.x. PyBoot can tether boot the second OS very easily
- Jailbreak your 64bits device family
- GO to cydia and add this repo repo.dynastic.co
- search and intall “Divisé“
- Run the app
- follow the instruction on the screen
How do i use Divise
How to i cheange restore modes
How do i uninstall the second iOS
How to i boot the secound iOS
How do i report an issue/bug