Since @iRogerosx release, his amazing icloud bypass based on checkra1n jailbreak to public many other tools come out using his method. The first tools come out for Mac and …
New iCloud Bypass tether for iOS 13.3, 13.3.1 up to 13.5.1 developed by @iRogerosx it’s Very easy to make it work on mAC and windows too just tested and …
This tutorial can be quite frustrating, and the error rate is slightly higher. sonick14 is very simple, but it costs for the service. F3arRa1n is free you need to download the files …
Project Sandcastle Brings Android running on the iPhone. Awesome work! Mobile phones should never be bounded by its OS and hardware. The right of booting any OS from your …
Bypass iCloud Activation is now untethered using mac OS. New update icloud bypass using sonick tools untethered, you need to go to get the registration Serial number to run …
Passcode bypass IOS13.3.1 achieved on devices supported by checkra1n. We all know when checkra1n was released, was also open a pandora box full of surprises to all devices effected …
Ra1nbox The portable checkra1n jailbreak solution, Want to jailbreak without a computer? Now you can! Ever wanted to jailbreak on-the-go, while out camping in the middle of nowhere? Or …
New Jailbreak tool unc0ver 4.0 jailbreak A12 and A13 devices, which means that you can have the freedom to do whatever you would like to do to your iOS …
first of all thanks to F3arRa1n for all the work for the community, F3arRa1n works perfectly on 13.3.1. Don’t worry if you are stuck at the latest iOS firmware. …
FilzaEscaped13 is here for A12 & A13 only for now, but all other devices including RootFS remount will be available soon as well. you can now use the latest …
iCloud Bypass with Linux / Ubuntu and Checkra1n. as we know from icloud bypass technics from Mac OS the phone is not functional for calls and iMessage and if …
If you’re on windows, here’s how to get checkra1n without installing Linux / UBUNTU. this is full tutorial and simple way to use the new version of checkra1n on …
This beta is only available for macOS and Linux, Added support for iOS 13.3.1. This release is a beta preview and as such should not be installed on a …
Downgrading IOS 13.3 to 13.2.3 without SHSH Blobs, using Succession! How to downgrade! , install Cydia, filza and succession 1.3.8 from github or repo. Download official ipsw and place …
New UPDATE: releases new and updated public icloud bypass to all checkra1n supported devices using the activation server method. This means you can activate your device and add …